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Please follow these links if you have flu symptoms

Seeking help for Minor Conditions

Caring for FLU at home

‘If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, and you are able to, please visit for further advice and guidance before contacting your GP or other services.’


Frequently asked questions

“Why do I have to pay?”

The preparation of these letters or reports is not covered by the NHS. The letters/reports/forms are completed outside of NHS tasks and as such there is a fee payable. All of these tasks require the doctor to take time to review a patient’s medical records to ensure that the information provided is correct, the letter/report/form then has to be generated and sent to the patient and/or third party.

“How long will it take?”

Private letters/reports/certificates etc. do not take priority over NHS work and hence may take some time to prepare. Please allow at least 5 working days for letters and 30 working days for reports from receipt of payment and be aware that these are not regulatory SLAs and depending on workload, may take longer. If it’s required sooner than that, it will be reviewed on a case by case basis and may attract a higher fee in order to be expedited.

“I need it today/tomorrow/next week/sooner”

In genuinely urgent cases, we will do our best to meet your deadline; however, we cannot promise this and expedited letters may incur an additional fee. Please ensure you leave enough time for your request and submit it as soon as possible.

“I only need the doctor’s signature”

When a doctor signs a certificate or completes a report it is a condition of remaining on the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true.

To complete even the simplest of forms, the doctor might have to check the patient’s entire medical record. Carelessness or an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the doctor with the General Medical Council (the doctors’ regulatory body) or even the police.

“I need an amendment to the letter I’ve received”

If an amendment to a letter is required, this needs to be done by the clinician who wrote the letter. Please book an appointment with that clinician and they will make the decision on the amendment. There is usually no extra charge for this but only if the request is within reason. We will usually accept two minor amendments before we deem the letter to be a new request and will charge accordingly.

“The doctor has to write these exact words…” 

We are very sorry, but we usually cannot accept requests for the doctor to write the letter in a specific way. The doctor will write what they know is supported by your medical record, and reserve the right to refuse your request or provide alternative wording.

Please note: Our doctors can only provide letters or reports which are factually accurate based on your medical records. They cannot modify them based on individual preferences or requirements. If you request changes to letters or reports which do not match your medical records, your request will not be actioned.